Commonwealth Bank services ‘recovering’ after intermittent issues

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Commonwealth Bank services are “recovering” after the bank reported issues for customers accessing their online banking.
Users were unable to transfer funds within the app and in many cases were unable to use their cards at checkouts.
“We can confirm we have identified the cause of the issue and services are being restored,” CommBank said in an update on its website at 4pm.
The bank apologised to customers who were impacted by the outage.
“We know how much customers depend on us and sincerely apologise to those who have been impacted today,” the bank said.
“Please note there may be delays in some payments as we continue to bring services back online.”
The problem started around sunrise when customers couldn’t log into their online banking services and by midday the bank confirmed “multiple services” had been impacted.
Some customers reported on social media seeing account balances of $0 while others customers were unable to use EFTPOS services.
CommBank said the interruption to services caused a high volume of demand at call centres and branches as customers faced issues accessing their accounts.
More than 7 million people use the Commonwealth Bank app.